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Edfred Corporation :: ALL PRODUCTS :: EDFRED 2 oz. Spanish/English Shower Stall & Tile Cleaner Mango Scent (FREE SHIPPING)

EDFRED 2 oz. Spanish/English Shower Stall & Tile Cleaner Mango Scent (FREE SHIPPING)
EDFRED 2 oz. Spanish/English Shower Stall & Tile Cleaner Mango Scent (FREE SHIPPING) 
Limpiador De Baño Y mosaico

You don't have to speak Spanish to love and use this specially scented product. Instructions in English & Spanish.

Restaura instalaciones fijas al brillo natural.

Quitan la corrosión, la oxidación, el jabón y SARRO del vidrio, mosaico cerámicA, el cromo y porcelana!

Excelente para el uso en
el mosaico de fibra de vidrio y piscina.

GENERAL USE: Quickly and easily removes stains from bathtubs, fixtures, ceramic shower tile and grout, swimming pool tile, drinking fountains, glass, chrome, porcelain surfaces, fiberglass surfaces including spas and boats. DIRECTIONS: Test in a small area first, then apply EVENLY without runs with damp cloth or sponge for 2 minutes. Rinse and dry.Rubber gloves are recommended. Not to be used on marble, terrazzo, stone, concrete counter tops, colored grout and other metals or any metallic glazed surfaces.

CAUTION: Harmful if swallowed. Eye irritant. May cause skin irritation. Contains Phosphoric Acid. Corrosive – causes burns. Do not ingest or allow contact with eyes, skin, mouth or throat. Avoid breathing mist. REMEDIES: SKIN - Rinse with water for 15 minutes. EYES - Rinse immediately with water. Remove any contact lenses, flush with water for 15 minutes. If irritation persists, get medical attention. INGESTION - If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Drink much water and get medical attention.

USO GENERAL: Quite fácilmente y rápidamente las manchas de la bañera, las instalaciones fijas, mosaico cerámica de chaparrón y lechada, mosaico de piscina, las fuentes, el vidrio, el cromo, superficies de porcelana, superficies de fibra de vidrio inclusive balnearios y barcos. instrucciones: Pruebela en una pequeña área primero, entonces apliquela UNIFORMEMENTE con trapo humido o esponja sin escurrir durante 2 minutos. Enjuaguese y sequese. Guantes de Latex son recomendados. No lo utilize con productos que contengan cloro, ni en el mármol, el terrazo, otros metales ni superficies barnizadas metálicas. Precaucion: Perjudicial si se toma. Sustancia irritante a los ojos. Puede causar irritación cutánea. Contiene Acido Fosfórico. Corrosivo - causa quemaduras. No ingiera ni permita el contacto con los ojos, la piel, la boca ni la garganta. Evite inalar el vapor. REMEDIOS: Piel- limpie con agua durante 15 minutos. Los OJOS - Enjuage inmediatamente con agua. Quite cualquier exceso, limpíe con agua durante 15 minutos. Si la irritación persiste, consiga atención médica. La INGESTION - Si es ingerido, no provacarse vomito. Beba mucha agua y consiga atención médica.

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Weight 0.16 lbs
Price: $3.99


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Before Photo Tile With Water Stains
After Photo Tile With Water Stains Removed

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<b>Warning</b>: strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in <b>/home/edfredst/public_html/prepare.php</b> on line <b>79</b><br />

After trying EdFred products at home, I thought it might make a big difference in our exhibit "Water Ways". Typically, this exhibit is running constantly for 6 hours a day, 7 days a week. Although the water is filtered and treated in a number of ways, this doesn't stop the build-up of lime scale on our clear acrylics and Corian. The Shower Stall and Tile Cleaner worked perfectly. I don't think the acrylic has looked this good in over a decade. Other employees had tried CLR with some success in the past, but nothing close to these results. Where hard scrubbing and polishing was necessary with other products, it only took a few light passes with a damp rag to remove the coarsest limescale. The Exhibits Department has now added EdFred products to our routine maintenance plans at the Children's Discovery Museum of San Jose.

Children&#039;s Discovery Museum of San Jose


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